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In Almuñécar, the oldest Mediterranean city in Spain, specifically at number 1 Calle Alcalde Julio Fajardo, we find one of the consultancies with the most resources on the entire Costa Tropical of Granada and the neighboring Costa del Sol in the province of Malaga. , and it is none other than Calero Business Consulting S.L.

Experience at the service of the citizen.

This consultancy has been established in the municipality for more than 40 years, so we are talking about a widely consolidated company with extensive experience, but the most important thing is not the past but the future.

A future that is assured for several reasons, among them, as we have already pointed out, and they are quite obvious, are its experience and consolidation, but also its diversification and in-depth knowledge with highly specialized professionals in different fields of consultancy, since Calero Business Consulting S.L., offers services in all fields of consultancy, but all concentrated in a single consultancy.

Service offered by Calero Business Consulting S.L

  • Property Administration: from Calero Business S.L. The management of communities of owners, buildings and rustic farms is carried out with great professionalism. For payments, expenses, maintenance and a long etc.
  • Real estate agency: to buy, sell or rent any type of property (flat, apartment, house, villa, garage, storage room, commercial premises, rustic property, farmhouse…)
  • Tax Lawyers, to defend their clients in any matter related to taxes, to advise them on tax planning, defense against Treasury inspections, the claim of undue taxes or the challenge of tax sanctions. In addition, management and advice on obtaining tax benefits.
  • Experts in Urban Planning: it is an essential job to guarantee the sustainable and balanced development of all municipalities and their neighborhoods. To be up to date on all regulatory changes in the field of urban planning.
  • Economists: to analyze the economic data of their clients and to be able to prepare reports with proposals and solutions to financial problems.
  • Real estate appraisers: who can determine the value of any type of real estate, through a detailed and professional analysis of data, such as its location, market, general conditions, surface area, possibilities for reform…
  • Accounting Auditors: to identify critical operational risks and develop recommendations to reduce their exposure and identify opportunities for improvement of each of the clients of Calero Business Consulting S.L.
  • Labor, Fiscal and Accounting Advice: companies need to relate to the Tax Agency (taxes, quarterly, income, VAT…), with Social Security (social security, occupational risk prevention…) and with their workers (payments, payroll, registrations , low…). In addition, good accounting management allows companies and the self-employed to comply with all their tax obligations, and make the right decisions to optimize their resources and improve their operations.

An assured future.

Because at present that we are submerged, which is none other than the era of digital telecommunications, it is very important for any company, establishment, self-employed person, community of owners or even for individuals to have good comprehensive advice and in all matters, whether that in one way or another all efforts are interrelated. That is why nowadays it is necessary to be well supported by a team of professionals in all these different matters. And at Calero Business Consulting S.L. They are very aware of this need and that is why they offer the best comprehensive service with professionals and administrators specialized in each subject, but perfectly coordinated.

We will wait for you.

From Discover Almuñécar we advise both for your company or business, and as an individual that if you have to deal with the Treasury; Social Security; manage a community of neighbors; buy, sell or appraise a property; taxes; appeal a fine; apply for a license; To open a new company or any related management, you can put yourself in the hands of qualified professionals, and for this, nothing better than Calero Business Consulting S.L.

Because Almuñécar and La Herradura, in the heart of the Costa Tropical of Granada, are much more than sun and sand, it is also a perfect place to open your business since this municipality is a great business center throughout the year.

How to get to Calero Business in Almuñécar?

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